One-on-One Monthly Budgeting Consultation
Per Session
Each session is $39.99 each or save $20 for our 3 session bundle for $99.99 (Members must complete all 3 sessions to receive fully automated budget Excel spreadsheet)
Tier 1: Intro to personal budget
* Discuss monthly income
* Dissect monthly line items
* Introduce YF budget template
Tier 2: Intro to Savings Plan
* Breakdown line item expenses
* Create Savings Goals
* Intro to member’s credit/Monthly credit card limits
Tier 3: Intro to personal investments
* Go over member’s YF budget review
* Discuss ways to leverage member’s credit
* Discuss how much of our member’s monthly income could potentially be allocated to stocks/investments.
Financial Literacy Semester Course
Per Session
Series One of our Financial Literacy Semester Course for school boards:
*Fee for in person teaching – $1000.00 per participant for the entire semester.
3-6 Week Financial Literacy
Billed annually
This service will be offered to non-profits and athletic departments who seek to strengthen their athlete’s financial knowledge. Sessions will take place once a week for either 3 weeks or 6 weeks
*Fee per participant (in person only)
$500 per participant
*Virtual Option
$250 per participant
How to Start your business consultation
Billed annually
Session 1: Discuss steps to developing company’s business plan, discuss company’s product/service, introduce company’s budget. ($39.99)
Session 2: Review/breakdown Business plan, breakdown a target market, Put into place company budget plan finalize company marketing skills. ($59.99)
Bundle pricing: $79.99 (Save $20)