
Read our expert testimonials and understand why leading professionals endorse young finance!

Financial literacy is essential for our country’s youth and their continued success because it underlies every important decision they will make for the rest of their life. From what school you attend, in what you earn your degree, with whom you associate and even whom you marry all have financial implications that are daunting and life changing. Knowing how these decisions impact your earning power and/or income is as necessary as a life skill when you reach young adulthood. Christian has always been above average to excellent in most things I’ve witnessed him encounter. He’s extremely intelligent and cerebral. In addition to that, you aren’t going to out-hustle him or out-work him. His commitment to self-reflection and improvement paired with that hustle and work ethic makes him a force in anything.

Charlie Dudley

Running  Back Coach  Birmingham  Southern College 

I think financial literacy is one of the most important things we can teach our youth. Giving them a head start on making smart financial decisions can set them up to have bright futures and become productive members of society. Being able to hear it from such a relatable voice as Christian, especially potential athletes, will provide tremendous value for the next generation and hopefully those that come afterwards.

Andrew Steele

Assistant Men’s Basketball coach at Tennessee Tech University

Young Finance led by Christian Wilson-Poole, is a much needed, comprehensive platform designed to empower young people to make smart financial decisions. Understanding money is such a critical and important aspect of our everyday lives, yet the skills needed to effectively acquire it, manage it, grow it, and keep it, are not taught in schools. This is one of the primary reasons that I strongly recommend Young Finance as a necessary and timely tool for youth.

Shella Sylla

Founder SisterGolf

When I started out as a young music business entrepreneur in my twenties, I wish I had had access to more resources that could have prepared me for success. Proper management of one’s finances is absolutely essential, whether you’re a young person entering the workforce or creating a business, to achieving that success.

Eric Essix

Alys Stephens Center Artist Coordinator

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